At OzSquad we train hard, have a bit of banter along the way and welcome all fitness levels. The key to our success is putting the effort in, not taking ourselves too seriously and, of course, adhering religiously to the following…
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me. OzSquadders know that health, fitness and burpees are the one true god.
- Thou shalt not hit snooze and lie in bed when it’s raining. OzSquadders are not made of sugar and do it rain, hail or shine.
- Thou shalt not take thy trainer’s name in vain, even when they roll out multiple sand sprints. OzSquad trainers know their stuff and will help you achieve great things.
- Thou shalt not worship false idols. At OzSquad it’s not about image, the latest gear or trending hashtags. We’re about exercising because of the huge health, well-being and mental benefits it brings.
- Thou shalt not cheat. OzSquadders turn up and do the work. It’s a choice not a chore.
- Thou shalt honour thy fellow OzSquadders. No egos, attitudes or assholes allowed! Say hi, keep it real, be kind.
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s ass. OzSquadders are not about body image, weight loss or post work-out pouty selfies. In fact we don’t give a stuff what you look like.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery. We have strength classes, running, conditioning, yoga, boxing, beach bootcamps and a host of extra-curricular activities and social swims and runs. Variety is the spice of life and we’ve got it all.
- Thou shalt not kill myself every single session. OzSquadders are in it for the long haul, know that consistency is key and try their hand at OzSquad yoga and strength alongside the bootcamp burpees.
- Thou shalt remember the sabbath day and keep it ‘holy’. At OzSquad we know the importance of rest and are not afraid to have a cheeky beer or two. Everything in moderation.
Author: Our fab trainer Lara adapted the actual 10 commandments to be our very own. Spread the word fellow OzSquadders, be fruitful and multiply.