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We’ve (half) made it! Today is the shortest, darkest day of the year which means the countdown to Spring is ON! That also means it must almost be time to wake up from hibernation a little early with this year’s Winter Challenge, more details below.
The first part of 2016 has seen OzSquadders smashing goals galore – OzSquad at the UTA50 ultra marathon in the Blue Mountains was our BIG event of the year and everyone’s efforts left me one very proud, slightly weepy, coach. Another 14 beginner runners took their first steps on their own running journey at the Autumn Learn to Run course and let’s not forget the fine displays of athleticism at OzSquad’s Beer Mile.
In the second half of the year, our events veer off from running for a while with volleyball lessons, a swim course and an Adventure Race thrown in the mix. Come get involved.  Here’s to the next 6 months.
OzSquad – Manly’s most social bootcamp
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Need some Winter motivation to get you through? Join our 4 week Challenge for just $59….
OzSquad’s Winter Challenge guarantees to get the competitive juices flowing, kick-start the fitness and create lots of session banter and giggles at the same time. Sessions and tasks mean points, and we all know points mean prizes.
Come along for a free group trial session before the end of June to try us out and then join OzSquad on our Introductory Pass. On this pass, the Winter Challenge will only cost you a mere $59 for as many sessions as you can get to. ie #noexcuses
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OzSquad Winter Walk
Following the success of last year’s walk-not-a-run, it’s back!
This year we are heading South to the Royal National Park for a bush/beach hike, picnic lunch, beach games and pub dinner. And it scores you Winter Challenge points! More details….
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Need even more motivation for the rest of Winter?
Bronte is on the Blog with these tops tips to keep you getting out and on with it. Read more…
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The Lodge, Blackheath is taking bookings!
Fancy a cosy Winter weekend away in the Blue Mountains in OzSquad’s home away from home? Think red wine around the fireplace and world class bush walks / trail runs starting 400m from the front door. Sleeps 8 – email carly@ozsquad.com.au to enquire about availability and prices.
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Extra-curricular OzSquad…
Check out our events page and keep an eye on Facebook for adhoc socials, activities and get togethers. It’s all going down at Manly’s Most Social Bootcamp!
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Buggy Bootcamp
Remember to send any new Mums our way too for a Buggy Bootcamp free trial. Same style of training, just without the chest to floor burpees, stair running and sit ups! 😉